Rock art: what is it and what are its characteristics?

Perhaps it is man’s first form of artistic manifestation What is rock art? Rock art (from the Latin ars rupes “art on rock”) represents a wide-ranging artistic manifestation that can appear inside caves, grottos, and on other rock surfaces. It is considered the oldest form of human artistic expression. Originating in the context of prehistory, … Read moreRock art: what is it and what are its characteristics?

What is art? The definition and the different types.

Its meaning has undergone constant modifications throughout history Its meaning has undergone constant modifications throughout history Art is a diverse range of human activity in the creation of visual, auditory, or performing artifacts (works of art), expressing the author’s imaginative, conceptual, or technical ideas, intended to be appreciated for their beauty or emotional power. In … Read moreWhat is art? The definition and the different types.